「The High Window」Raymond Chandler


When I left Merle was wearing a bungalow apron and rolling pie crust. She came to the door wiping her hands on the apron and kissed me on the mouth and began to cry and ran back into the house, leaving the doorway empty until her mother came into the space with a broad homey smile on her face to watch me drive away.
I had a funny feeling as I saw the house disappear, as though I had written a poem and it was very good and I had lost it and would never remember it again

レイモンド・チャンドラーの「The High Window」(邦訳「高い窓」)。私立探偵、フィリップ・マーローが物語の最後に、事件に関わった女性を家族の元に送りとどけ、去っていくシーンである。チャンドラーには数多くの名セリフがあるが、私にはこの二段目のフレーズが忘れがたい。
